Springfield Area Adventist Community Services (ACS)
Every Wednesday from 11am - 4 pm
Closed on November 22nd
704 S Belview Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
417-865-5226 Ext. 103
Parking Lot Sale: September 26-27, 2024
We are always in need of volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our ACS Director.
The Springfield Seventh-day Adventist Community Service Center - a place where we pray you will find help, comfort and Jesus. Our Mission is to serve those in need in the Springfield area, regardless of race, religion or circumstances.
The clothing is cleaned, sized, and placed on shelves and racks for customer ease. It is our desire to make each person that enters our doors feel comfortable. We want them to know we truly care. Our volunteers spend many hours making our community service center a positive reflection of our church.
Items are free to those who have a referral from a local organization, otherwise we ask for a $.50 cents per item donation so we can further meet the needs of the community.
Donations are accepted during business hours or by contacting Amy Waldrop.
We are in need of some items that we use for Disaster Relief, our Unsheltered Friends program, and our Refugee Assistance program. We work with families to help them in setting up a first-time apartment/home after being without shelter or just arriving in America. We need the following items for this: Pots and pans, skillets, eating and cooking utensils, glasses, plates, bowls, casserole dishes, towels, and small working appliances. We do NOT need cups, mugs or saucers. We are in need of sheets and comforters (especially queen size), small working refrigerators, kitchen tables with chairs, couches, lamps, coffee tables, end tables, and chairs. We are not allowed to accept mattresses for cribs. We ALWAYS need sleeping bags, blankets, and new underwear and socks for the Unsheltered Friends program. General clothing needs include extra-large women’s sizes, men’s jeans size 32-40 waist, hoodies, and children's shoes. We will also accept canned or boxed food donations year around. Another need is wheelchairs or walkers with a seat for short term loans to clients after injuries or surgery. Our annual parking lot sale this year is being planned for sometime in June 2022. We’ll announce the date once it’s finalized. We always appreciate your assistance and donations for that. We would please ask for all items donated to be in good repair and working condition. If you wouldn’t use it in your own home, we probably wouldn’t want to give it to our clients. We don’t currently have enough staff to repair things. Donations can be dropped by on Wednesdays when we’re open from 11 am to 4 pm. To arrange a drop-off time other than our usual hours, contact Amy Waldrop at 417-848-1261.